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About Kosmic Fusion
Kosmic Fusion, founded by Sree Maa is a growing worldwide movement towards a world makeover. It’s a world makeover with the power of Love (the Absolute), to a world where love, compassion and acceptance are at its heart. Keeping our sight on this mission, our philosophy and foundation are based on simple principles.
Principles & Philosophy
At Kosmic Fusion, we follow 3 core principles: Honesty, Integrity & Authenticity. We engage with all individuals in the most transparent way and these principles lay out the ground for all the interactions, regardless of your engagement with us. We take pride in being who we are, what we do and how we conduct ourselves in any given situation. We emphasize equal importance on all our principles as these are important in our spiritual quotient.
We believe that anything is possible, and that even the most severe Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual blocks can be overcome by identifying, addressing and resolving core issues. Healing is just a by-product of the entire P.R.O.C.E.S.S. and we believe energy healing is the fastest and most powerful way to facilitate recovery and wellness.
We do not impose any “religious” teachings and are strictly against “religious conversion”, as we believe the word is loosely thrown around without much context & understanding by limiting our consciousness.
Please note, we do not encourage or mix/match our philosophy with any other "new age" innovations & spiritual teachings. We only follow & practice our path to Self-realization and God-consciousness.
Our goal is to provide every individual with Absolute truth without any influenced “fluff” and “jargon”. If you are after fluff and fancy word salad then we are obviously not the one.
All Inclusive
We engage with people from all walks of life and from all belief systems, and our workshops & events are attended by range of people from diverse background, who are interested in exploring spirituality to Awaken, Transform & Transcend perceived limitations.
All our teachings and workshops are for believers, non-believers, seekers, the "knowers", people with religious and non-spiritual understanding - it’s an equal opportunity waiting to be embraced by everyOne.
Join the Movement
We invite you to become part of this world makeover by being a living example, silently emitting the Signature of the Absolute; a reminder of the Truth to all you meet and to yourself, spreading Love and Grace while being immersed in IT, whilst on the pathless path to merging with the Absolute!
As a team of volunteers, we have come together in love & service and welcome anyone, inviting all paths to become One.
If you are interested in knowing more about our workshops, events and meditations evenings then please feel free to browse various sections of our simple website.
~Namaste & Love - Faculties of Kosmic Fusion~

“The Mission of Kosmic Fusion is to bring the Absolute Truth to everyone;
We are One Family, One Tribe; helping & supporting each other, through this journey back Home”
Note: W.e.f 18th October 2018, The Faculty team at Kosmic Fusion have been looking after its administration and daily operations. Sree Maa & Shri Ji have accomplished the objective of training the Faculties who will take forward Kosmic Fusion as envisioned.