Imagine in the course of a few short hours that your soul potential is upgraded. Then envisage feeling your current vibration tangibly elevated in whatever way or form it is most beneficial to you – be it emotionally, mentally or spiritually.
It doesn’t end there – you will experience deep rest in the stillness of yourSelf and post-session will have much more energy available to you!
This is all possible with the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse – the Mother of All Frequencies and Vibrations, direct from Source. You will be guided though a series of powerful Meditations and Activations during the workshop and the upgrade will effortlessly unfold throughout.
So go on, supercharge your vibration! Register today to secure your place!
Date: 31st May 2015
Time: 10am to 12:30pm
Energy Exchange: $33
**Bring a friend and it is just $22 each.
RSVP: Click here